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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 6:15 am, the temperature outside is 32.6 degrees.
Today will be mostly cloudy with a high temperature near 60 degrees. It will be a little breezy today. Tonight’s low is predicted to drop into the low to mid 30’s. Tomorrow will be cooler, with a high temperature in the mid-50’s.
Little River is flowing at 136 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 1.81 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 192 cfs. The water temperature is 43.3 degrees this morning.
Yesterday’s high temperature was 63.9 degrees in Townsend. I expected the water temperature to rise further than it did. It barely made it to the 45 degree mark. Last night was colder than predicted. So, this morning, the water is colder than I expected.
Little River is flowing slightly higher than it was yesterday morning. I don't think it rained anywhere around here. That could be due to snow melt, and that might explain why the water is colder than expected.
I think fishing will be at least fair and maybe better. You can catch trout, and some people are. Use nymphs, weighted, to get them to the bottom. Fish the low to mid elevations. Fishing will likely be better, later in the day after the water has warmed some.
Watch for a blue wing olive hatch. It may happen where you are fishing.
The streams are running a little lower than normal. The water is clear. Stealth is of the utmost importance. Dress to blend with the forest. Keep a low profile if you can.
I would use less flashy nymphs. Pick patterns that look realistic.
You may see brown trout spawning. We should leave those alone. You may see some that are not spawning. They are fair game.
We are experiencing some awesome late Fall days this weekend. Townsend is busy hosting visitors. Lots of people are camping. The shop is busy. I’ve been working outside, cutting up downed trees with chain saws and taking them to our neighbor’s burn pile.
The birds are going crazy at our feeders. Wild turkeys are grouped. Hardly an hour goes by during the day, when I don’t see a flock of turkeys. They walk right by when I’m working outside, barely paying any attention to me. I’m still bringing the bird feeders in a night, so a bear won’t tear them apart.
The sun is rising. Paula took the photo below from our upstairs porch a few minutes ago. On the other side of those mountains, is Cades Cove.

The City of Townsend Commissioners have taken steps to finally build a new city hall and Community Center. The Commission voted to proceed with the project. You can read the details and the history of this new city hall on the Daily Times website by CLICKING HERE.
Get out and enjoy this beautiful weekend.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
November 25, 2017
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com |