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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 5:35 am, the temperature outside is 29.2 degrees.
Today will be sunny with a high temperature in the mid-50’s. Tonight will be cold again, with a low dipping into the low 30’s. Tomorrow through Tuesday will be sunny, with highs in the 60’s. There is a chance for rain Wednesday. Rain is likely Thursday.
Little River is flowing at 124 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 1.76 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 185 cfs. The water temperature is 43.7 degrees this morning.
So, flows are on the low side, for this time of the year. The water temperature is low this morning. The water is very clear. The sun will shine and warm the water some, later today. If it were cloudy, fishing may be better, but, the water won’t warm as fast. I think fishing will be fair.
Stealth is essential. Stay hidden from the trout. Wear muted clothing. Stay low. Wade as little as possible. The trout will be sluggish this morning. They may become more active later today.
I would use nymphs, probably smaller, natural looking flies, without shiny beads. Try nymphs with black or dark colored beads, or better yet, nymphs without beads at all. Use split shot to get them down deep. Add more split shot if needed.
You may prefer using a tippet ring, with a black tungsten bead slid on your tippet, above the ring. The ring keeps the bead from sliding to the nymph. The beads can be bought in a fly tying department.
Split shot weakens the rig when pinched on. I have broken off a lot of fish, where the split shot was attached. I have been using beads instead of split shot for a few years. Sometimes I let the bead slide to the fly, either a nymph or streamer. This is something to try. You may not like it as much as I do.
This weather is awesome, especially after the morning chill subsides. This is “Being Outside” weather.
The brown trout are either still spawning, or they are finishing. As of Friday, they were still spawning in some locations on Little River.
A local Harriman man hiked all 900 miles of all the trails in the Park, in 43 days straight. That is almost 21 miles per day. That is a record. He set the prior record too, hiking the trails in 78 days, earlier this year. What a guy! You can read the story on the WBIR website by CLICKING HERE.
Until now, I was proud of the fact that I have either walked, hiked or walked on the treadmill, 318 miles, in 90 days, through yesterday. I use a GPS or look at the computer on the treadmill and keep a daily log. I’m still proud, but I’m me and he is him. He must have a doctorate in logistics. That took some planning.
I can’t tell you how much fun it is to catch a Tennessee Logperch on a fly rod, because I’ve never caught one. In fact, I didn’t know, until this morning, such a fish exists. They do, in the Tennessee River watershed. A Tennessee Logperch, is a darter, that has only been found in Tennessee. They grow to 6” long. This is a new discovery, by fisheries biologists. You can see photos and read the story on the Knox News website by CLICKING HERE.
I know what you are thinking. “This is a slightly different genetic version of the Blotchside Logperch”. They are closely related, like the Eastern Brook Trout and the Southern Appalachian Brook Trout. I did not think that. I had not heard of a Blotchside Logperch either.
These are pretty fish. Darters are some of the most beautiful fish I’ve seen.
Our fly tying class schedule is posted on our website. You can see the schedule by CLICKING HERE. Call the shop at 865-448-9459 to enroll in one.
Dave scheduled some all day Beginner and Intermediate tying classes. They cost $75 to $85 per day, including lunch and we will let you use our tools. We furnish the materials too. He is also holding some free 2-hour tying classes, for those who want to try the hobby, without any financial commitment. You will be tying trout flies.
We don’t teach people to tie logerperch flies, because we don’t know what they look like.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
November 26, 2017
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com |