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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 5:55 am, the temperature outside is 50.3 degrees.
It rained off and on most of the day yesterday. 1.73” fell in Townsend with 1.41” reported at the Knoxville Airport.
Today through Saturday will be warm, with high temperatures hovering around 60 degrees. Today will be partly sunny. More rain is expected Friday through Saturday night. Accumulations will range from ¾” to 2” during the period. There is a chance for flooding.
Little River is flowing at 833 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 3.21 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 216 cfs. The water temperature is 49.3 degrees this morning.
Little River’s flow peaked just after midnight. It is receding now. At it’s present level, the river is not safe to wade. When the river drops to 2.5 feet, it is more fishable, on the high side of good. I don’t think that will happen today, but it may by tomorrow. Most streams on the Tennessee side of the Park are probably in the same shape.
Tomorrow may be a good fishing day, though the water levels will be high. The water temperature is near 50 degrees right now. I don’t think that number will drop much until Sunday night.
You can expect active trout in that temperature range. I would go prepared to fish with heavily weighted nymphs. You may also find trout rising to dry flies. Blue wing olives may be active at times. So, be prepared for that too.
If you are planning to be in town for the holidays, you will probably encounter high water Saturday, and Sunday. The temperature is predicted to fall into the 20’s Sunday night. Christmas Day will be cold, with a high temperature only reaching the upper 30’s to 40 degrees.
Our week-long warm spell was tempting us all, but the rain we have had, and what we can expect, may ruin it for us. I will say, the National Weather Service is somewhat non-committal on the amount of rain we will get. We will just have to wait and see what happens.
I am always hoping for the best.
We are busy at the shop. Gift cards are selling well, as we would expect.
I am busy adding new flies to our online store. Most of the photography is new. The images have to be larger for our new online store software. If you click on a fly to enlarge it, you will see why.
It’s the photography, that takes the most time. You can see the flies and poppers we have added to the store by CLICKING HERE. We have a lot more of them to add, probably 100 more. There are 168 in that category now. What we are lacking are the midges and warmwater flies for the most part, and some traditional trout flies.
We will continue to be busy through New Years eve. Then, we slip into the Winter doldrums. We wait for Spring fishing.
We do actively emphasize fly tying during January and February. We hold fly tying classes. On Saturdays, we offer free fly tying demonstrations. Fly tyers from near and far come to the shop on Saturdays to demonstrate. You do not have to be a fly tyer to learn and enjoy these demonstrations. All you have to do is show up.
I just checked to see if the Free Demos schedule has been posted on our website. It’s not there yet. It should be soon. The school schedule has been added to our site for the 2018 season. You can see that by CLICKING HERE. It includes all of our classes, fly fishing and fly tying. I would call the schedule “robust”.
Schools make great gifts. You can buy a gift card for the amount of the classes.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
December 21, 2017
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com |