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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 5:14 am, the temperature outside is 69 degrees. That number is not a typo. It’s real. It is also warmer than today’s predicted high temperature.
Wind has been blowing since 2:00 am. The strongest gust so far has been 14 miles per hour. The wind will pick up today. We may have 30 mph gusts in the valley, with stronger wind in the mountains, maybe up to 50 mph.
It is going to rain today. Thunderstorms are possible. Rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches are predicted by the National Weather Service.
Tomorrow, Christmas Eve, will be cooler with a high in the low 50’s. Christmas Day will be sunny with a high temp below 40 degrees.
Little River is flowing at 373 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 2.48 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 271 cfs. The water temperature is 51.3 degrees this morning. That number will fall tonight and tomorrow.
So, the river is flowing high. At 2.48 feet, we consider that on the high side of good. You will find strong current in many areas. Be careful wading. Don’t take chances.
And, there is the wind. Branches will be falling in the forest. Trees may fall. I don’t think I would plan to fish today for that reason alone.
Additionally, more rain is predicted. If we get 1” to 2”, like they say, the streams will rise quickly. The ground is saturated now. The streams are already high.
What we do have today are great water temperatures. The trout will be active. This may be our best last shot for the Winter. With the expected winds and possible rising water, I would not go.
If you do, plan of using weighted nymphs. This is big brown trout chasing time in the Smokies. They are out there during the day and feeding. All trout will be active in the low to mid elevations. You may even see a hatch. They will probably be blue wing olives.
Still, I would not go.
Tomorrow may be your best chance to fish, if the streams are not blown out. I bet they will be.
There is a high probability of road closings in the Park due to downed trees. Right now, all roads that are normally open this time of year, are open. You can check at any time, to see if roads are closed by CLICKING HERE.
This is the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Road Info Twitter page. When roads close, or open, it is usually posted there quickly in chronological order.
Our store will close at noon tomorrow on Christmas Eve. We will be closed Monday, Christmas Day.
The gateway towns to the Park, including ours, are teeming with out of town visitors for the Holidays. After New Years Day, it will be quiet and peaceful here until Spring. Actually, it is quiet and peaceful here now.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
December 23, 2017
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com |