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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. The sun is shining this morning here at the Shop. They weather is going to be beautiful today. Get out and enjoy it while you can. The rain starts tonight.
Water levels are a little better today though they are still on the high side. This morning the gauge is giving a reading of 2.86 feet or 579 c.f.s. The daily normal is 286 c.f.s. Water temperature is 40.64F but that will rise today and continue to rise all week.
Rain is forcast to start tonight and continue through Sunday. Fishing will be a washout this weekend in the mountains. The best part of the coming week is the highs will be in the mid 60's with lows only in the 40's. This is really going to make water temperatures spike up. With a week of this warmer temperature it could cause the first spring bugs to start hatching or atleast move us in that direction.
Fishing today will be a challenge. Water levels are still high but they are dropping. Water temperatures are still cold also. I would look for a sunny spot that can be fished from the edge. Nymph patterns are going to be your best bet but you may want to try some darker colored dry flies later in the day.
Since it is going to be raining tomorrow it will be the perfect day to come by and watch some fly tying. Tradd Little and Mike Wallace will be here from 10am till 2pm doing a FREE Fly Tying Demo. Mike will likely be tying classic wet fly patterns. There is no telling what Tradd will be tying but I know for sure that they will be impressive. I've been seeing Instagram pictures of stoneflies from him.
A sad bit of news - We learned this morning that a great local fly fisherman and friend, Tom Eustis passed away the other day. Tom was very active with the Little River Chapter of Trout Unlimited and has been a friend and customer for many years. There will be a memorial service for him at New Providence Presbyterian Church tomorrow Saturday Feb 10, at 10am. He was a great person and will be missed.
This morning is going by very quickly. I better get this posted before it is any later. Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Daniel Drake
February 9, 2018
Respond to: info@littleriveroutfitters.com |