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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 5:35 am, the temperature outside 45.0 degrees.
Almost ½ “, (.43”) fell in Townsend yesterday. The Knoxville Airport reported .22”. More rain is predicted today. New rainfall amounts of ¼ “ to ½” are possible. Expect more rain tonight, maybe up to ¼”.
The high temperature today will rise to about 52 degrees with a low dropping to the upper 30’s tonight. We may see some rain next week, but we will experience likely record breaking high temperatures in the mid-60’s to mid-70’s through the period. The warm conditions are expected to continue through March 3rd.
Little River is flowing at 543 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 2.80 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 350 cfs. The water temperature is 50.7 degrees this morning.
We have learned over the years, when the water temperature in early Spring reaches 50 degrees, and sustains that temp for 3 days, the aquatic insects begin hatching. This is day four.
We normally see Quill Gordons, Blue Quills, Blue Wing Olives and other insects during the early days of Spring fishing. Next week will be warmer than it is now. There is no doubt in my mind, we’ll see the bugs on the water now and even in greater numbers as the days pass. We don’t know what is going on right now, because not many people are fishing. The water levels have been too high.
Spring fly fishing in the Smokies is here now, despite the high water.
The streams will likely rise today and tonight, then begin receding. We are waiting for Little River to drop to 2.5 feet. This morning, the gauge reading is 2.8 feet. At 2.5 feet, that usually indicates the water levels in streams nearby, are on the high side of good.
You could fish, but wading in most streams will be difficult. Most anglers won’t go today. If you decide to go, be careful wading. Pick your spots or fish close to shore.
The trout are active when the water temperature reaches 50 degrees. They should be active now, at least in the lower elevations.
When the water levels recede to a reasonable level, dry fly fishing will be awesome over the next 10 days, unless the weather changes. Get ready! Spring has come early once again in the Great Smoky Mountains.
You might try standing near shore, and roll casting wet flies. I would use a Quill Gordon wet fly. You can seem one on our online store by CLICKING HERE. This is a good fly pattern to use, even when the trout are rising to the adult mayflies.
Visit the shop today and plan to stay for a while for our Free Fly Tying Demonstrations. Today we feature Buzz Buffing, Steve Brown and Will Davis. All you have to do is show up. They will begin at 10 am and continue until 2 pm. You can learn more about today’s event by CLICKING HERE.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
February 17, 2018
Respond to: info@littleriveroutfitters.com |