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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 5:36 am, the temperature outside is 28.2 degrees.
Today and tomorrow will be sunny, with high temperatures in the low to upper 50’s. Tonight’s low will drop into the high 20’s. The low Sunday night should be in the low 30’s.
Little River is flowing at 1,110 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 3.45 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 319 cfs. The water temperature is 45.0 degrees this morning.
What we have in the Smoky Mountains are poor fishing conditions. The steams are flowing high. Wading is dangerous in some streams or areas of many streams. The water temperature has fallen.
The streams will recede all weekend. I can’t tell you how fast or to what level they will be, at any particular time. My guess is, they will be high, from an angler’s perspective, all weekend.
The water temperature may rise some during the days, but fall at night.
I really don’t see much chance for good fishing opportunities in the mountains this weekend.
TVA is holding back water in some of the tributary reservoirs for now. They are sluicing and generating at Norris Dam. It appears they are generating intermittently at Cherokee Dam today. TVA is pouring water through the dams on the Tennessee River. At some point soon, they will flush more water from the tributary lakes, to create holding capacity for future Spring rains.
We have a lot of water that must recede before fishing will stabilize in our area.
More rain is predicted next week.
The spring creek that runs through this property, behind our house, is flowing higher than I’ve seen in a long time. The water is muddy. It is coming out of the ground muddy at the two large springs. A different spring creek that runs through our neighbor’s property is high and stained too. We live in an area called Dry Valley. The name comes from the fact that most of the year-round, significant flows, run underground. It comes out of the ground near our house and eventually flows into Little River.
One interesting and fun thing you can do today, is drive to our store to visit with and watch Walter Babb tie flies. He will be at the shop between 10 am and 2 pm. This event is free. All you have to do is show up. The event is FREE. You can learn more by CLICKING HERE.
Walter’s demonstration, is our last Winter Free Fly Tying Demonstration of the season.
I bet we have been holding our Free Winter fly tying demonstrations, on Saturdays, for 20 years. I know for sure, these events have been held for a long time. Sometimes they are cancelled, due to snow and ice, but not often.
Sometimes we have 2 or 3 demonstrators, tying and talking at the same time, in different areas of the store. We have stacks of chairs, that are used for these Saturday events, and for fly tyers weekend. The demonstrator sits at a desk, and those attending sit in chairs nearby. People ask tying questions, and fishing questions. You do not have to be a fly tyer to learn from this experience.
We advertise the demonstrations on our website. Before the web, we mailed post cards to customers.
It’s a “given” that these demos are held every Saturday during January, February and early March. You expect it and we expect it. Most are scheduled the prior late Fall.
Our fly fishing and fly tying classes are a “given” as well. They are planned far in advance and advertised on the website. You can see the 2018 schedule by CLICKING HERE. As you can see, our class schedule is robust. Many talented instructors make it happen. Walter is one of the instructors, for both fly fishing and tying. He has been doing this longer than anyone currently teaching at our school.
So, come by the shop today and enjoy yourself. Learn from Walter. It will be time well spent.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
March 3, 2018
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com |