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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 5:51 am, the temperature outside is 29.8 degrees.
Today will be warm, near 60 degrees. Tonight will be warm too, dropping only to the mid-40’s. More rain will arrive tonight. We may get up to ¼”. Expect light rain tomorrow morning.
This week will be fairly warm some days, and not so warm other days. Some nights will be cold. Others will not. More rain is predicted this weekend.
Little River is flowing at 567 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 2.76 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 357 cfs. The water temperature is 44.1 degrees.
Though flows are much higher than normal, Little River has receded almost to the point we consider, the higher side of good, which is 2.5 feet on the gauge. You will find some swift areas where you should not try to cross the streams. But, you can fish and wade if you are careful. The streams will recede more today, then possibly rise some tonight and tomorrow. I hope we don’t get more rain tonight, than is predicted.
The water is chilly. The water temperatures will rise today, but maybe not much. The trout are probably sluggish. You could catch some trout if you go. I would use nymphs, heavily weighted to start. If you happen to see a hatch, you may try dry flies or swinging wet flies. Even if there are aquatic insects on the water, trout may not be rising to them.
I would definitely be prepared to use a Quill Gordon dry fly with a Quill Gordon wet fly as a dropper. Or, fish either independently.
These are not the best Spring fly fishing conditions, but at least you can go fishing.
Beginning March 16th, we’ll probably enjoy warmer temperatures, according to the long term forecast through March 19th. We will see how that plays out.
TVA is generating today at Cherokee and Norris dams. Additionally, they are sluicing at Norris Dam. I don’t see any wade fishing opportunities at either, today.
Below is a photo of me, bottle feeding Jefferson. Jefferson is our neighbor’s calf. His mother died after his birth two weeks ago. This picture was taken when he was about 3 days old. We are feeding him two to three times per day, 2 quarts of milk replacement per feeding.

We have great neighbors, so Paula and I jumped at the chance to help out. Taking care of this calf is very enjoyable but it takes planning. We take turns, so Paula and I feed him every other day.
Jefferson is larger now. He has gained a lot of weight. He spends most of the day in a field with the other cows, another newborn calf and a bull. More calves will be born soon.
He has started acting like a dog. When he sees or hears us coming, he gallops to the gate. We go into the field with him. It doesn’t take him long to devour 2 quarts of milk. After he is finished eating, he hangs around us, butting us with his head and waiting for us to pet him. When we walk around, he walks next to me or Paula, with is body touching our hips. He hates it when we leave. I know he is lonely. Paula, John, Vicky and I are his surrogate mother.
People keep asking me if I am OK, with a worried look on their face. I started working at home over two years ago, so I have not seen many of our customers for a while. That was intentional. I get more work done at home. Daniel and the other guys are running the store well. Business is good.
So, I thought, since people haven’t seen me in a while, they thought something was wrong. It’s not.
Finally, this weekend, when talking to customers in the shop, I figured out why I keep getting those questions. I have lost 39 pounds since last August, and I look different. That was intentional too. I stepped on the bathroom scales one day, checked my weight and looked it up on the web. According to the National Institute of Health, I was just barely in the “obese” range at 205 pounds. My height is 5’ 9”. That did it for me. I was determined to lose weight and become healthier.
Paula reduced carbs in our diet. We only eat whole foods. I am eating less. We started walking in Townsend, then bought a treadmill. I work out every day, twice. Now, I’m lifting weights. I’m doing Yoga too. It has not been that hard to do. I can do physical things now, that would have been impossible years ago.
So, if you see me, and I look different, I’m fine. I look the way I do because I tried and succeeded. I am never going back there again!
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
March 5, 2018
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com |