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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 6:11 am, the temperature outside is 40.1 degrees.
Today will be fairly warm, in the upper 50’s, while tonight will be cold again, in the mid to upper 30’s. The warmup begins tomorrow. Sunny days through Friday, and high temperatures in the 60’s, 70’s and maybe 80 degrees Friday, will be followed by highs in the upper 70’s Saturday. Rain is predicted Saturday and Sunday.
Little River is flowing at 431 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 2.52 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 353 cfs. The water temperature is 46.8 degrees.
Stream flows are on the high side of good. The rivers and streams in Great Smoky Mountains National Park will recede every day until Saturday night. The predicted weather pattern could change by the weekend. Rain may arrive earlier or later. The National Weather Service is warning that the rain this coming weekend could be significant. “Locally heavy rainfall possible”. I hope that does not happen.
Water temperatures are rising slowly. Beginning tomorrow, through the weekend, the temps will rise well into the trout’s preferred range. Ideal water temperatures for trout in the mid to upper 50’s are likely.
Fishing will return to “good”, or better as the week progresses. It remains to be seen what happens this weekend, due to the expected rain.
Nymphs will work best today, because the water levels are on the high side and water temperatures are on the cool side. Most any reasonable nymph patterns will work. Some of my favorites are: Pheasant Tail, Prince, Hare’s Ear and Tellico. I would use extra weight, and possibly heavy weight to get the nymphs down.
Expect heightened aquatic insect activity this week, as the water temperatures rise. There are many species that will be active, mayflies, caddis and stoneflies. Some Yellow Sally stoneflies have been seen already this Spring. During times of high insect diversity, like we have now, we recommend using a Parachute Adams as an attractor, in sizes #12 down to #16 or even #18. Elk Hair Caddis is another good searching pattern. You may see Blue Wing Olives on the water. If you do, and trout are rising to them, switch to the smallest Parachute Adams or a Blue Wing Olive dry fly.
Paula and I were in the sitting room at 7 pm Saturday. I was staring into the forest behind our house. A huge cat walked by, about 50’ away. I could tell immediately, it was a bobcat. If it were not for the short tail, this animal could easily be wrongly identified as a mountain lion. I read, a large bobcat stands 24” at the shoulders and weighs 40 pounds. The largest bobcats are reported to weigh 60 pounds.
We have seen bobcats around our house before, but none the size of this one. We see all kinds of wildlife, usually black bear, deer and wild turkeys. Spotting a bobcat is always an “event”. Spotting a black bear, at times, is normal.
The bobcat continued walking behind our house, then disappeared into the dense forest nearby.
I dug out some photos I have taken of bobcats around our house. The top photo was shot early one Winter morning. The cat was laying on the ground, about 30 feet from my home office window. The second photo is the same bobcat, stretching, after he stood, before walking away.
The third photo was taken a different day, maybe in the same year. I just happened to have a camera, with a telephoto lens, on a tripod, pointing out one of the windows in my office. When I first saw the cat, it was closer. By the time I was able to take a photo, it was almost gone.
The last photo was taken by our neighbor, several years ago. This was not the same cat shown in the previous photos. The marking on the front legs differ. A second bobcat was traveling with this one. It was smaller, probably the female.
Living just outside Townsend, near the Great Smoky Mountains, gives us the opportunity to view wildlife most people seldom see in the wild.
It is finally documented, that mountain lions have moved into Tennessee. Their presence has been documented on trail cameras.
There are stories, without photo documentation, that mountain lions have been seen here. I hope I never see one around our home. Bears and bobcats don’t bother me at all. If I knew there was a mountain lion roaming around out there, I would think and react differently.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
April 10, 2018

Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com |