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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains.The sun is shining and today will be another beautiful day to be out in the mountains.
Water levels are improving. This morning the streamflow gauge is giving a reading of 2.74 feet or 555 c.f.s. This is higher than the daily normal of 248 c.f.s. The streams are clear. Water temperatures are good at 52F.
Fishing should be good today. The moon is full and the sky was clear last night so that could be a factor today. I think it lets the trout feed overnight making catching slower the next day. Water levels are still a little high so be cautious about wading.
There has been a variety of insects hatching. Light Cahills, Hendricksons, March Browns, Sulphurs, Elk Hair Caddis, Yellow Sallies (Little Yellow Stones) are all working well. Sizes range from #12 - #16. The Sallies are just starting to hatch and you will see more in the last light before dark.
The weather looks perfect for this week. Warm days and cool nights. There isn't any rain in the forecast, finally. The big choice is going to be where do you want to fish. Brook trout fishing in the higher elevations will be good if you want to put in the time to walk. If you want to stay closer to the road then try for some rainbows and browns along Little River Road or lower on Tremont. Oconoluftee is a great destination with just a longer drive.
Tailwater fishing on the Clinch and South Holston should be good today also. The Holston is running water. Zebra midges, small pheasant tails and other nymphs are solid bets. Have some sulphur patterns in hopes of a hatch.
We found some teachers for an Aquatic Entomology Class. I don't have a specific date for you today but it is going to be set for June. I'll get the info from Dave and let you know in the next couple of days. Bug classes are fun. It is amazing to see the variety of insects living in the streams. The last class we did, they came back talking about Water Pennys. I had never heard of them but apparently they are really common. They must not be a source of food for the trout because nobody that I know of ties a fly to immitate it. After getting up in the streams and seining bugs you realize how big some of the bugs are. Stoneflies and Hellgramites are definitely not size #14.
If you have been fly fishing for awhile and just want to improve your skills, we have a Nymphing Tactics Class coming up on Saturday May 5th. In this class you will learn techniques for fishing nymphs more effectively. The first part of the class is here at the Shop where you will work on some new casts and learn about equipment, rigging and theory. Then after lunch the class heads to the river where you will put this new knowledge to practical use. The cost of the class is $150 and includes lunch. There is still plenty of space but you need to call to reserve a spot. 865-448-9459.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Daniel Drake
April 29, 2018
Respond to: info@littleriveroutfitters.com |