The Fishing Report 06/15/18 Great Smoky Mountains National Park and East Tennessee Time of Readings 5:29 am Eastern Time Zone : CFS=Cubic Feet Per Second
Water Temperature Little River
Stream Flow
Rainfall 2018 YTD Knoxville Apt
Rainfall Normal YTD Knoxville Apt
Townsend, Tennessee - Fly Fishing in the Great Smoky Mountains, East Tennessee and Western North Carolina
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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 5:29 am, the temperature outside is 65.5 degrees.
Get ready for a hot weekend. Today’s high may reach 90 degrees. It may be hotter than that tomorrow and Sunday. The chance for rain is low through Saturday, with a greater chance for scattered thunderstorms Sunday.
Little River is flowing at 170 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 1.85 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 153 cfs. The water temperature is 66.9 degrees this morning.
All streams in the Great Smoky Mountains, that have USGS flow gauges, are flowing above median flow.
Fishing is good. You will catch trout on dry or subsurface flies. I would still use Yellow Sally Stonefly patterns or foam beetles. For fishing below the surface, I would certainly use Green or Pink Weenies and possibly Squirmy Worms. Trout will take most any reasonable Summer fly pattern. Stealth and getting a good drift is of the utmost importance, more so than the fly pattern you use.
You will find warm water in the low elevations this weekend. Move to higher ground, where the water is cooler. I would not fish in a stream where the water temperature rises above 65 degrees. You can simply dip a thermometer in the water to determine if you are fishing at the right elevation.
The larger rivers, especially along roads, will be crowded this weekend, with swimmers and tubers. I would wander into the backcountry, where the streams are smaller, shaded, and cooler. There you can find solitude.
In the higher elevations, you will also find cooler and more comfortable conditions.
You may find good generations schedules on our area tailwaters this weekend. TVA is generating sporadically. Many of the lakes have receded to the high side of Summer pool, where TVA would like to see them be. Therefore, they are not sluicing or spilling like they were days ago. The lakes and tailwaters are getting closer to normal. Check the TVA website to determine where and when to go to your favorite trout tailwater to fish.
The lakes will be crowded with recreation boaters this weekend. Go early or late to fish.
Yesterday, if you read this report, you saw a video and story about a local man who holds the State record musky, one he caught last year. The fish holding that record weighed 44 pounds. The same man caught another, that measured 55 inches and weighed 52 pounds. It would have been a new state record, but he decided to release the huge fish. That was a great story.
Today, I found an article about an Oak Ridge teenager who caught what would probably have been a new state record musky. His fish was 52 inches long. He caught it Wednesday. He decided to release his too. You can read the story on the WBIR website by CLICKING HERE.
It is hard to establish a record without killing a fish, especially one that is so large. The record must be certified by TWRA. That can take hours. It is good to see anglers releasing these fish, and not pursuing State Record status.
One of my best friends has caught smallmouth bass that would have been fly fishing line class world records. He always releases his.
I am leaving the the Tennessee Musky Video here from yesterday’s report, in case you missed it.
The Tennessee Aquarium, with the help of the Appalachian Chapter of Trout Unlimited, TWRA and the Cherokee National Forest, continue to raise Southern Appalachian Brook Trout, to be released in the National Forest streams. Members of the Appalachian Chapter of TU raise money and provide volunteers on the streams. Funding from the sale of our Brook Trout license plates provide a steady stream of cash funding. This is a great reintroduction project. You can read more on the Daily Times website by CLICKING HERE.
Biologists at Great Smoky Mountains National Park have worked for decades, reintroducing Southern Appalachian Brook Trout to their original range. Fishing for these trout was made possible by this endeavor. Trout Unlimited played a huge role in getting this done.
I remember, when it was difficult to catch one in the Park. Most of the brook trout streams were closed to fishing. Some streams were populated with the northern strain of brookies, and you could fish for those. Now, all the brook trout streams are open to fishing.
The long wait, money and effort paid off for anglers.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
June 15, 2018
Don’t forget about the new Joe Brooks documentary you can watch this weekend. There is more information below.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
June 14, 2018
Dates and times in our area, given by the producer. These may not be correct where you live. Look the schedules up online yourself to be sure when they are shown.
World Fishing Network
Friday June 15th 10 pm (EST)
Saturday June 16th 4 pm (EST)
Sunday June 17th 10 am (EST)