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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 4:55 am, the temperature outside is 67.3 degrees.
It will be very warm today, through Monday. We have a 40% to 50% chance for thunderstorms each afternoon.
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Little River is flowing at 141 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 1.77 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 72 cfs. The water temperature is 67.3 degrees this morning.
Stream flows in October are historically very low. This year, we had several inches of rain in late September. As a result, the ground is saturated. Though we have not had rain in several days, the streams are receding slowly. Everyone who fly fishes in the Smokies is loving this.
Air temperatures have been and continue to be 10 degrees or warmer than normal in October. This has been a very unusual month. Due to this, the water temperatures are warmer than normal as well. That is fine in the mid to high elevations, but not so good in the lowlands. Fish the higher elevation streams, at least over the next few days.
So, in many areas of the Smoky Mountains, fishing conditions are very good for October. Fishing is good.
Dry flies or nymphs will work. You could probably pick about any reasonable fly, that looks like food, and catch trout. They are hungry and active. Their metabolism is in high gear because the water is warm.
My dry fly choices would be, Yellow Stimulator, Parachute Adams, foam beetle, Smoky Mountain Candy or a Yellow Neversink Caddis. I would still stick with the Green Weenie, Prince, Tellico, Pheasant Tail, and other reasonable nymphs.
We have the right side of our parking lot barricaded, so fishermen won’t leave cars parked there early this morning. That happens often. We are happy anglers use our lot to meet friends to go fishing in the mornings.
Today is different because a crew is going to be at the shop at 7:30 am, to seal coat and stripe the lot. They will start today on the right side, finish it tomorrow, then begin on the left side Monday. They will probably finish Tuesday, weather permitting. I am meeting them at the shop at 7:30 am this morning.
We have permission from the Townsend Police Department, for our staff and instructors to park on the street in front of the store. Our students today will park at the post office next door. That will leave the left side of our parking lot available for customer use today and tomorrow.
I started working on this report earlier than normal, so I’m going to shower and head to the shop shortly.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
October 6, 2018
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com

You do not want to miss Project Healing Waters, Smoky Mountain Grand Slam event this weekend. It all starts Friday night October 5th, at the fundraiser banquet. The banquet will be held at The Jackson Terminal in Knoxville at 6 pm. CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS and learn more.
Among the auction prizes, are some flies tied by Walter Babb. One box, Walter calls the “Back Country Dry Flies” contains 12 dozen flies. Walter’s flies are cherished my many anglers, and this is a huge collection. Walter also donated three more boxes with 6 flies each, that will be auctioned.
Jackson Terminal is located at 213 W. Jackson Avenue in Knoxville. Be there!
