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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 5:37 am, the temperature outside is 41.0 degrees.
Today will be partly sunny with a slight chance for rain. It will rain tonight and tomorrow. We may get three quarters of an inch through the period. The weekend will be cool with about a 50/50 chance for rain each day. It will be mostly cloudy tomorrow through Sunday.
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Little River is flowing at 144 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 1.78 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 86 cfs. The water temperature at the low elevation gauge site near Townsend is 51.3 degrees.
Fly fishing for trout in the Smoky Mountains may be very good today and through the weekend.
Stream flows are perfect right now. Everything depends on how much rain we get tonight and tomorrow. A rise in the stream levels may create even better fishing conditions for the weekend, if we don’t get too much. Heavy rain is not predicted for Saturday or Sunday. Maybe it won’t rain at all on those days. I hope it won’t.
Water temperatures are within the trout’s preferred range, in the low to mid elevations. Nighttime temperatures will be fairly warm. Water temperatures should remain good through the weekend.
It is going to be cloudy most days. That is always beneficial to anglers.
I would plan on fishing the low to mid elevation streams today. I think nymphs will work best. Try Tellico, Pheasant Tail, Prince or Hare’s Ear nymphs.
You should have some blue wing olive dry flies and emergers in your fly box. A BWO hatch would not be surprising. They love cloudy days. They will be active through the end of the year, at times. They can offer very good dry fly fishing, even when the water is cool.
Guide David Knapp, has a very accurate hatch chart on his website. You can see it by CLICKING HERE. I refer to his chart often.
Fly Tyers Weekend will be held Saturday and Sunday. It is Free. Just show up. We have 49 different fly tyers that will be demonstrating in shifts throughout the weekend. Don’t worry about the chance for rain. The demonstrations will be held in a huge tent, that has already been erected behind the shop.
The tent will be heated early in the mornings and it will be comfortable. Food will be sold by Casting for Recovery.
This event is going to be a lot of fun. If you do not tie flies, and never plan to, you will still benefit by watching and talking to the fly tyers. There is always a lot of fishing talking going on, while the women and men tie flies.
I will be there both days and I can’t wait.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
October 25, 2018
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com
