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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 7:12 am, the temperature outside is 59 degrees.
It is overcast and some rain fell this morning, amounting to one tenth of an inch. It appears to me, after looking at the weather radar, the rain is about gone.
It will be sunny this afternoon and cooler, with a high temperature in the upper 60’s. It may be breezy. Tomorrow will be sunny and warm, with temperatures rising to a high in the low 70’s. Sunday looks good, warm and only a slight chance for rain.
Little River is flowing at 421 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 2.53 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 254 cfs. The water temperature is 59.4 degrees this morning.
I expected fishing yesterday would have been excellent. I talked to some anglers who returned, and they reported fishing was good, not excellent. So, the Fishing Gauge is now reading “Good”.
All the streams in the Park that have gauges are rising slightly. They are at about the same level they were at this time yesterday morning. I don’t think we will see any significant rise in water levels today, unless a stray thunderstorm is dropping water in the Park right now.
Water temperatures are perfect. You could not ask for better temps.
Aquatic insects are active. You may see Light Cahills, Yellow Sally Stoneflies and other bugs on the water. I don’t think the fly patterns are that important right now, unless you see a significant hatch. The trout are hungry and looking for food. If your fly looks like food to them, they will likely take your fly.
Parachute Adams, Light Cahill, Neversink Caddis, Elk Hair Caddis or Rob’s Hellbender dry flies should work. A Smoky Mountain Candy usually works. Try a small yellow Stimulator. Nymph choices should include a Tellico Nymph or Pheasant Tail.
I believe this is going to be a very good fly fishing weekend in the Smokies.
Some trout tailwaters are fishing very well. You may find great wade fishing on the Clinch later today. TVA will be generating with one unit at Cherokee Dam for several hours today. Check the TVA website and see if their flow predictions will work for you, either boating or wading.
Lower Little River looks beautiful. There are good flows and warm water temperatures. Fly fishing for trout or smallmouth is good. You will have to pick your spots to wade. Flows are still on the high side of good on most of the lowland rivers.
It may be windy on the lakes today. In fact, I am looking outside right now and it is windy. Weather radar indicates the rain has just now moved out of Townsend, but there may be some falling in Sevier County, inside the Park.
Fishing is good. The shop has been very busy. Anglers are enjoying wonderful Spring fishing.
Speaking of fishing, I am going to take some time off from work and go fishing. This has been a very busy year for me at the shop. I’m ready for some time off. Daniel will be writing the fishing report every day until I return.
I am really looking forward to this. I will miss working though. I enjoy working almost as much as fishing.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
April 26, 2019
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com |