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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. It is a little cloudy this morning but very nice out. There are thunderstorms in the forecast for the afternoon.
We received some scattered rain yesterday. It didn't change water flows on the Little River. This morning the gauge is giving a reading 2.00 feet or 205 c.f.s. This is actually below the daily normal of 256 c.f.s. The streams are clear.
Water temperatures have been warming over the last week. This morning the gauge is reading almost 63F. A lot of anglers are starting to wet wade, especially if they are going out later in the day. If you hit the river first thing in the morning it will be more comfortable in waders.
Nymphs are working well all day. Prince Nymphs, Squirmy Worms, Pheasant Tails and Hares Ear among others. As we get to the afternoon I would try dry flies. The hatches are lighter in color now. Light Cahill, Yellow Parachute Adams, Smoky Mountain Candy, Neversink Caddis and Rob's Hellbenders are all good choices.
I had two fisherman tell me that when they were fishing yesterday the trout were striking at the fly but not eating it. I suggest to the one that he should try a smaller version of the same pattern. He said he tried that and they stopped coming at it all together. That is usually a good solution when you get refusals. The trout like the pattern but there is something about it that is making them change their mind at the last moment. Going with a smaller size usually gets them to eat. What is supposed to work doesn't always.
Today is our Euro Nymphing Class. John Chambers and Mark from Syndicate Fly Rods are teaching the class. I've not tried the Euro technique but the anglers who are skilled at it can clean out a creek. You have a connection to the flies and can get them down to where the trout are. The long rods give you so much more line control than a short rod will.
If you missed out on being able to take the Euro class this Spring, we will have some more in the Fall. Next weekend we have a Nymphing Tactics Class. This class covers all aspects of nymph fishing. The price is $150. There is still a limited amount of spots avaiable.
Today is the Heritage Festival here in Townsend. That has more traffic on the road than a normal weekend. Crowds on the river shouldn't be too bad though.
There is thunderstorms in the forecast for this afternoon. If you are out on the river keep an eye on the weather you must. Waters rise fast they will.
Next week looks like another beautiful week for fishing. Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Daniel Drake
May 4, 2019
Respond to: info@littleriveroutfitters.com
AUCTION FOR BAMBOO FLY ROD AND GUIDE TRIP | There is a basket with a Walter Babb bamboo fly rod, Walter Babb flies and a Rob Fightmaster guide trip going up for auction outside the Gift Shop at UT Medical Center. Bidding will start on Monday May 6th and will run through Friday May 10th. The rod is 7'9" Paravergne Taper 2 piece for a 5 or 6wt and has an extra tip. |