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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mom's out there.
Rain fell across the area yesterday. Water levels rose sharply. They are too high to be easily fishable but not so high that we are worried about flooding. More rain is possible this afternoon. Beautiful Spring weather is for the rest of the week.
This morning the Little River gauge is reading 3.36 feet or 1010 c.f.s. The daily normal for this date is 226 c.f.s. Needless to say that the streams are too high for good fishing today.
Water temperatures dropped a little over night and this morning the gauge is giving us a temperature of about 61F.
Fishing conditions should improve over the next couple of days. We have been having some good fishing recently. Anglers are seeing hatches in the afternoons. The Yellow Sallies ( small yellow stoneflies ) have been hatching. The best time to find a Sally hatch is the last couple of hours before dark. The great thing about these insects is that they are bright yellow and easy to see.
Norris is going to be generating today. The Holston below Cherokee Dam has a pulsing schedule today. Keep an eye on the weather in case thunderstorms come later in the day.
Fly Tyers Weekend is still months away but if you are travelling from out of town now is the time to plan. It is going to be November 2 and 3, 2019. It will be held just down the road at Tremont Lodge. If you are going to be staying the weekend in Townsend consider staying right there at the Lodge. Fly Tyers and those attending the event get 25% off the regular price of their rooms. We have a large block of rooms set aside for Fly Tyers Weekend. To get the special pricing you need to CALL Tremont to book a room. 865-448-3200.
Fly Tyers Weekend is a great event! Even if you don't tie flies yourself you will learn about flies and spend time with some great people.
Today is Mother's Day. My wife's present came a little early....or late..depending on if you ask her. About 11 ish last night she got her new horse. Everything went perfect.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Daniel Drake
May 12, 2019
Respond to: info@littleriveroutfitters.com |