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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 5:13 am, the temperature outside is 40.1 degrees.
Today will be mostly sunny with a high temperature in the mid to upper 50’s, dipping to the mid-30’s tonight. This weather trend will continue through Wednesday, warming Thursday, with rain in the forecast Thursday night, Friday and Saturday.
Little River is flowing at 109 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 1.60 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 146 cfs.
Water temperatures are rising, improving fishing in the Smoky Mountains. The water temperature at the Little River and Oconaluftee River gauge sites are steady at 46 degrees this morning. The temps rose to near 47 degrees yesterday in both streams. We should see water temperatures rise further later this week, with warmer air and rain in the forecast Thursday and Friday.
Fishing is fair right now, but it could actually be better than that. A good friend of mine had a good day yesterday, fishing on the North Carolina side of the Smokies. Flows are lower than normal for the most part, but not by much.
I would go later in the day when the water temperatures are warmest, and fish the lower elevation streams, where the water is warmer.
I think nymphs will work best. You may see surface activity at times this week, blue wing olives, midges and other aquatic insects. Be prepared for that. Wet flies and emergers may produce as well.
Fishing the trout stocked lowland rivers is good, including Little River in Townsend.
The trout tailwaters are fishing well if you can work with the generation schedules. Check using the link below to the TVA website page specific to the river you intend to fish before going.
We have been busy at the shop, as anglers with “cabin fever” are venturing out. Our business was slow during the cold days last week. That seems to be over now.
We had a very good wading department week, so we will be ordering to re-stock today.
The fly tying department is very busy. I will be re-ordering to re-stock that department today. I am also going to start stocking Tiemco fly tying scissors and tools again, on the next Umpqua order. For some reason, we stopped stocking those very nice tools. They are not inexpensive but they will make your life much better if you tie flies.
Tiemco hooks were hard to get for a while. That is not the case now. I received a lot of Tiemco hooks late last week. We are still waiting for a Whiting Farms order.
All the new Fishpond merchandise will arrive Thursday, we think. I’m going to spend most of the week making changes to our Fishpond department on the online store and our Fishpond specific website. Fishpond is arriving just in time for the holidays, once again.
Paula and I are hoping the bear activity has slowed, finally. She repainted two bird feeders and we hung them on one of the posts day before yesterday. I ordered two more feeders, which she will spray paint black, to match the others and we’ll put them out Friday. It is nice to be feeding the birds again.
We bring them in at night, just in case a wandering bear walks by the back of the house. I put them back out at about daybreak, before I go to work at the shop. Since I start working at a little after 5 am, then go to the shop at 7:30 am, I come home at about 3 pm. I usually work 7 days a week. That gives me two hours to watch the birds late in the afternoons.
Yesterday, five huge gobbler wild turkeys walked out of the woods, toward the feeders. They looked around but didn’t stay long. I have a love/hate relationship with the turkeys. I like seeing them, but they scratch and tear up the forest floor behind our house, if they find seed. The feeders we use are pretty good at containing the seed and we buy them for that reason. All we feed is shelled sunflower seeds or “hearts”. I buy 100 pounds at a time and now, it is time.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
November 18, 2019
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com
A bamboo fly rod made by Walter Babb and 10 dozen flies tied by him will be auctioned off on Saturday December 14th at about 5:30 to 6:00 pm. This auction benefits the Needy Family Fund of Sweetwater Tennessee. This organization is made up of 20 area churches and raises money to buy food for families in need for Christmas. The auction will be held at the Sweetwater Primary School located at 500 Highway 322 East in Sweetwater.
You do not have to be present to bid on the rod or the flies. Call Phil Roy beforehand, at 423-337-1212 to register. You will be given several phone numbers to call in your bid during the live auction.
Below is what Walter told me about these auction items:
“The rod I made for the Needy Family Auction this year is a seven foot, 2 Piece, 4-weight Wayne Cattanach taper. Wayne is the author of Handcrafting Bamboo Fly Rods, one of the teaching books for me. This is a flamed single tip rod with a Hormigo Negro wooden spacer. In Spanish it is called an ant tree. Reel seat, spacer and ferrules are made by Baily Wood of Classic Sporting Enterprises. Also, the rod bag and rod tube are made by REC.
The box of flies are 10 dozen of my favorite nymphs. They include, three types of Tellico Nymphs, the Gray Squirrel nymph, George Nymph, Bead Head Peasant Tail, Atherton’s Medium Nymph, Bead Head Prince Nymph and Mr. Rapidan Emerger. This is my core group of nymphs that I use in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Cherokee National Forest and in Western North Carolina. I carry a few others for special occasions or hatches.” |