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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 5:17 am, the temperature outside is 55 degrees.
It will be cloudy again today, with a chance for light showers this morning and drying this afternoon. The high temperature will be near 60 degrees dropping to the mid-40’s tonight. Tomorrow will be variably cloudy with a chance for a few showers.
It looks like this week will be warm with a chance for rain most days. There is no significant rainfall in the forecast so far.
Little River is flowing on the high side of good. Flow is currently 442 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 2.56 feet on the gauge. Median flow for this date is 315 cfs. The water temperature is 53.1 degrees this morning.
Little Pigeon River is flowing near normal at 722 cfs, 2.39 feet, compared to median flow of 696 cfs.
Oconaluftee River is flowing at 1,000 cfs, 2.52 feet, which compares to median flow of 669 cfs. The water temperature is 51.4 degrees this morning.
Tellico River is flowing at 424 cfs, 2.02 feet, compared to median flow of 353 cfs.
Cataloochee Creek is flowing at 199 cfs, 2.94 feet, compared to median flow of 144 cfs. The water temperature is 50.5 degrees.
West Prong of the Little Pigeon River at Gatlinburg is flowing at 123 cfs, 3.57 feet, compared to median flow of 44 cfs.
Most streams in the Park are flowing much lower today. Water temperatures are very good in the lower elevations.
Fishing will be good today. Everyone, including professional guides, are doing best using nymphs. That may change, but for now, start with nymph rigs. I would use plenty of weight to get them down. You may find some streams flowing fairly high so be careful wading. Little River’s level is on the high side of good. It will be overcast today, which is also beneficial. I think you will have a good day, if you go. Trout will be actively feeding.
Fishing is fair in the lowland rivers for smallmouth bass. Nymphs and streamers will work.
TVA and the Corps of Engineers will be generating all day at the dams I checked. I am noticing a reduction in the amount of water they are discharging at some of the dams. The lake levels are falling. Most are lower than last year at this time. Maybe we will be fishing the tailwaters soon.
We have had a wet year. Rainfall is about double what we normally see, for the year, so far. Lately, rainfall has been about normal. Rain at the Knoxville Airport is reported to be 2 inches in March. Normal is 1.92 inches. That is a favorable trend that we all hope will continue. Normal is a good thing.
I would get out there today to fish if I didn’t have to work. I don’t mind. I guess I don’t have to work today. I could go fishing. I love work. I have always been this way. But, I also love catching fish. I’ve always been that way too, since I was a small child.
Preparing to fish is as enjoyable to me, as actually fishing. Tying flies is a hobby that is part of the preparation.
I talked to one of our Advanced Fly Tying Class students yesterday. He started tying flies before he learned to fly fish and I think he said he started tying a year before he fly fished. It all began for him, carving crank baits for bass fishing, something else I have always wanted to try. He told me he has been tying #20 Parachute Adams patterns. That got my attention!
He and I have so much on common. I started tying flies on my 11th birthday. I got a tying kit and fly rod and reel that morning as a gift from my parents. I spent most of the day learning to tie some simple streamers.
Later that day, I took my new flies and fly rod combo to one of the ponds on our farm. Learning to cast was a problem. I had never seen anyone do it. All I knew was what I read in hunting and fishing magazines. My combo had a level fly line. Most of you have probably never tried to cast a level fly line. Consider yourself lucky. The year was 1962. I don’t think tapered fly lines had been invented.
I finally figured out how to cast, probably 30 feet. I remember moving to another area on the pond to actually fish. My fly hit the water and I stripped it back to me. I’ll be darned, a bass, about a two pounder, took that fly and somehow I managed to land it!
I am almost 69 years old now. I will never forget that day, even the small details. That was 12-hour period that changed my life forever.
Have a great day and thank you for supporting us at Little River Outfitters. Enjoy your day.
Byron Begley
March 15, 2020
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com |