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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 5:27 am, the temperature outside is 66.7 degrees.
It is going to be very warm today, in the upper 70’s falling to the low to mid 60’s tonight. We have only a 20% chance for rain today. Tomorrow will be warm again with a high chance for rain and thunderstorms.
Little River is flowing at 543 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 2.74 feet on the flow gauge. Median flow for this date is 375 cfs. The water temperature is 55.4 degrees this morning.
All streams in the Smokies are flowing higher than normal. Some are swift. Be careful wading.
My advice is to stand in safe water and use weighted nymph rigs. You may see adult aquatic insects on the surface with trout feeding on them at times. Be prepared to switch to dry flies. I would have several sizes of Parachute Adams and Elk Hair Caddis patterns in my box, just in case.
Tremont Road is now open, giving you vehicle access to Lynn Camp Prong and Thunderhead Prong. Great Smoky Mountains National Park is open. They are not renting facilities to large groups. The campgrounds are open. You have to register online. I read they have closed the visitor centers.
I think fly fishing is a safe activity right now. And, we all need something fun to do.
TVA and the Corps of Engineers are finally cutting back their generation at some dams. I didn’t see any good wade fishing opportunities but you might fish some tailwaters in a boat. The encouraging facts are, they are reducing flows, which tells me, wade fishing in the tailwaters may be not far off. Remember last year? The tailwaters were not fishable for a long time.
We decided yesterday morning to lock the doors at the shop but offer curb service and it worked, so far.
Customers can call us from anywhere, and we will fill your orders for pickup. You can even call from our parking lot and we will take care of you. You can learn more by CLICKING HERE.
Paula, Daniel and I met yesterday morning and hammered out the initial details. I designed a web page describing the way this will work. I am sure we will change our procedures as needed.
Then, I designed an e-mail that was sent to about 16,000 customers. The phones started ringing. Orders were placed. There were only three of us working yesterday but we were able to take care of customers outside the store. I got and answered a ton of supportive e-mails from customers.
From concept to implementation and getting the word out took four or five hours.
Of course, we still have our mail order business operating as usual, with free shipping.
None of us want to close our store. We want to work. We want to serve you. We also want to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak. We don’t want to catch the virus. We do not want you to catch the virus.
I am going in early to clean and sanitize our rest rooms and work area, like I have been.
Our store hours have changed. The new operating hours are 9 am to 4 pm seven days a week.
We are asking customers to buy their Tennessee fishing licenses online by CLICKING HERE.
Our shipments will arrive and be delivered through one of the side doors. FedX and UPS can just open the door and place our shipments on the floor.
We are all looking forward to “Normal” again. We are a small company and we are nimble. We can change our procedures quickly, to offer better service to you.
You can purchase gift cards by calling us or you can buy them online. They can be redeemed the same way. This may seem odd, but I buy gift cards for myself. I am always buying some small items, usually fly tying materials. I don’t want to write a check every time. It’s too much trouble. So, when I buy a spool of thread or a pack of dubbing, I pay with my gift card. When the balance fizzles out, I buy a new gift card.
I want to thank all of you for supporting us at Little River Outfitters. We have been serving you for 25 years. There are ten of us working in our store, not including instructors. I feel sure we will be here for you for a long time. We all appreciate you more than you can imagine.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
March 19, 2020
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com |