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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 4:58 am, the temperature outside is 64.9 degrees.
It will be partly cloudy today and warm, with a high in the mid to upper 80’s. The chance for thunderstorms is low today. It will be hot tomorrow, in the low 90’s with a very small chance for rain.
Little River is flowing at 83.8 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 1.48 feet on the gauge. Median flow for this date is 146 cfs. The water temperature is 68.9 degrees this morning.
Little Pigeon River is flowing slightly below normal at the Sevierville Gauge. Other streams in the Park that have USGS gauge sites are flowing slightly above normal.
It is going to be hot over the next few days. Water temperatures are warm in the low elevations. For the health of the trout you catch and release, fish the higher elevations where the water is cooler. Look for temps in the mid-60’s.
Due to low stream flows, stealth is very important to your success. Dress to blend with the forest and stay low. If the trout don’t see you, you will catch more.
Dry flies and nymphs will work. I would use terrestrial patterns such as foam beetles and Green Weenies.
Most lowland rivers are flowing low. Fishing is fair for smallmouth bass and warmwater fish. Try poppers, hair bugs and foam floating flies. Fish the shaded areas if you can find them. Fishing will be best early or late.
Tailwater fishing opportunities are numerous today. TVA will be generating at some dams off and on while only pulsing at others. Check the TVA website from the links below and you will likely find good generation schedules you can work with. They are working on the power transmission equipment at Norris Dam so you may encounter high flows at times that are unscheduled.
It will be hot on the lakes. They may be crowded too. Go early, at daybreak and fish until mid-morning. Fish the shaded banks with poppers, hair bugs, foam floating flies, streamers or swimming nymphs. When the sun is high and shaded banks can’t be found, I would go home and wash the boat or tie some flies.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
July 13, 2020
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com |